Tutorial: Running Julia in Galileo

Gettting started with Julia in Galileo

To get started with Galileo, log into your account using Firefox or Chrome.

Understanding the user interface and cloning a Mission

When you log into Galileo, the first thing you’ll see is your Dashboard:

View of the Galileo Dashboard

To run the Julia interactive example, start by navigating to the Missions tab using the side menu. Clone the Julia interactive example Mission from the Explore Missions tab. Use the filter to search for the mission by name and click “Apply”.

Find the public example mission by name

Once you have found the correct Mission, click “View Mission”.

Click View Mission

To clone the public Mission to your account, click the “Clone” button in the upper right corner of the interface. Choose between creating a public or private clone and also choose which Cargo Bay to use.

Clone the mission

You will now see a cloned copy of the Mission in your Missions.

The cloned copy

Let’s take a look at our files

The julia_interactive.ipynb notebook conducts a simple linear regression using the supplied mtcars.csv dataset and makes a simple plot. It also conducts a Monte Carlo experiment that simulates 50,000 throws of two six-sided dice to calculate the probability that the sum of one throw of two dice is greater than or equal to seven. It then repeats the same experiment 10 million times. Finally it compares the means of the two samples and the amount of time it took to calculate them.

Running a job and collecting results

Now we are ready to run a job using the Mission. Click the Run button in the upper right corner of the Mission tab. You will see a “Mission run successfully!” message. At the bottom of the Mission tab, you can track the progress of the job.

Track job progress

Once the job’s status is “Job In Progress”, you are ready to open Jupyter. First, copy the automatically-generated tunnel password for the Mission by clicking on the key icon. Copy the password to your clipboard:

Copy the password

Now, click Job In Progress and then click the chain icon to open the tunnel URL.

Click on the tunnel URL

Paste the password and click Log in.

You are now using Jupyter in Galileo and you have immediate access to the files you uploaded as part of the Mission.

Jupyter in Galileo

Once you have finished working in Jupyter, navigate back to the Mission tab and open the three-dot menu in the Jobs progress panel. Stop the job by clicking Stop Job.

Stop the job

The job will shut down and collect the results. Once the job progress reads “Completed”, you can download any files generated by the Jupyter job by opening the three-dot menu again and clicking Download.

Download results

Contact us

We hope this tutorial was helpful. Please let us know if you have any questions or any problems using Galileo. Your feedback is extremely important to us. Contact us anytime at matthew@hypernetlabs.io or alexander@hypernetlabs.io.